Commentary: Sure, Players Can Kneel — And NFL’s Customers Should Walk

Fan walkouts better than advertiser boycotts Mass fan walkouts at stadiums will prove more effective than boycotting NFL advertisers. Organize mass exists and I guarantee you’ll beat the flag flouters at their own mass-media game. This is not to say you shouldn’t continue to throw your slippers at the TV set and curse a blue streak…

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3 Thoughts to “Commentary: Sure, Players Can Kneel — And NFL’s Customers Should Walk”

  1. Bruce

    I haven’t watched a game all year and I am still alive. Still alive and proud I am not watching such a racist, anti-American organization.

  2. lb

    We got 1 Titans tix to the Christmas Eve game and were really looking forward to it. Unless things change drastically and this garbage stops, we wont go. Ever again.

  3. Wolf Woman

    Yes, Mr. Hallow, you have the right idea. But do fans have enough gumption to do it?
